On this page you can find remastered scenes. What does “remastered” mean? My earliest scenes have been shot more than ten years ago. Equipment, editing skills and technical possibilities have improved since then. While you cannot change the equipment used in a shoot retroactively – you would need a time machine for that – you can improve the quality of an edit with the help of AI and a lot of computing power.

Also bandwidth has increased a lot, so larger files with higher quality are not as big of an issue today as they have been ten years ago. 

Look into the details of a download to see what has changed during remastering. Most of the time movies as well as photographs increase in resolution and detail. Sometimes also the audio track gets a makeover. AI supported noise reduction and voice isolation can enhance the viewing experience  a lot.

Please understand, that previously buying a scene does not automatically entitle you to a remastered download free of charge, since the effort in remastering is almost as big as the original edit for me.

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