Bea covered in custard

Photoset & Movie #05


Bea covered in custard

This scene has been remastered in 2021. The camera used for filming was a very mediocre Samsung point and shoot at that time. It had a hard time with the low light so quite some detail was lost forever. However  with todays technology it is possible to render out the video in much improved Full HD quality. Also the hq Photoset has been remastered (all pictures are now 2400 x 1600 pixels and partially have been reframed)

Bea makes her second appearence in this HQ Photoset and Movie package. She wears a red top and black leggins and gets a custard covering during this photoshoot. Her beautiful black silky hair get’s completely covered, so this set is definitely one to watch out for the messy-hair fans out there. The camera also joined her for the clean-up under the shower. There’s video-footage in the form of a 4-min making-of the scenem, though the emphasis of the production was on producing photographs.


Files included:

HQ Photoset Making-Of Movie

HQ Photoset (205 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)
FHD Movie (4:08 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)


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