Bernadette in the pouring rain

Photoset #66

$6.95 $4.95

Bernadette in the pouring rain

This shooting is among my very special experiences while producing wetlook photosets. It all happened on a sunny summer day where dark clouds were already on the horizon when I met playmate of september 2010 Bernadette. We met at my favorite shooting location and what was planned as a relaxed wetlook shooting on a hot Summer afternoon turned into a photographers nightmare that almost cost me my equipment. Just when we started shooting hell broke loose and a heavy downpoor soaked Bernadette as well as me and my equipment. It was almost impossible to keep the camera and lense dry, so you have to bear some water drops on the lense on some of the shots. The result however still was good enough to put together a nice wetlook photoset. It shoes Bernadette in the outfit she arrived at the scene. Important note for the shoe fans … she didn’t wear shoes during that shoot!

Files included:
wetlook wet jeans shower
Super-HQ Photoset (162 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)

$6.95 $4.95

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