Dayane and Brenna

Movie & Photoset #110


Dayane and Brenna

It’s a rainy day. Dayane and Brenda meet each before a job interview for an accounting job. While they are waiting for the rain to end they find out that working in accounting has to be boring as hell. So they decide it does not matter anymore when their business attire gets soaked in the rain and they dump their application. The girls take a drink and Dayana likes the idea of seing Brenna wet, so she starts splashing her with some water from the pool. Brenna gets even and finally both girls end up in the pool completely soaked!

I should mention that this is a Full-HD (1920×1080) movie.

Files included:
47 HQ Photos HD-Movie
Full HD Movie (13:35 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
HQ Photoset (47 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)


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