Dirndlflugtag 2006 Grundlsee & Liezen

DFT 2006 Grundlsee & Liezen


Dirndlflugtag 2006 Grundlsee & Liezen

What started with a small event more than 6 years ago developed into a brand-event of an Austrian clothing company. Over the last few years I happened to attend a few of those events and to take some shots. To cover my time and travel costs I decided to share my photographic footage here for everyone who is interested in one of the younger middle-european traditions 🙂

This set features two events from 2006. The first one in Grundlsee was kind of special. It was not the well orchestrated event with judges and an organized flow of events but rather turned into an allout lake-jump happening with lots of different women going in. Hard to follow with the cam because the pier was crowded and I could only capture what happened close to my position. So not a lot of dry before shots but some nice closeup and a good angle slightly from above. The second event was almost cancelled due to bad weatherm but some brave women still wanted to go for it. However my camera gear and my skills were inferior back then and I cudn’t quite handle the low-light situation. Still I decided to add those few shots to the set from Grundlsee.

This set is also part of a Bundle!

Files included:
wetlook dirndl
308 HQ Photos


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