Ina's first pie experience

Photoset & Movie #74

$12.95 $7.95

Ina’s first pie experience

We didn’t have to argue very long when I proposed the theme of my planned shoot to Ina. A few pies in the face? “Never done that, would love to try it out” … Not only did she love every minue of the shoot we had a blast preparing the amunition for what was her first ever wet or messy shooting. After we had watched some videos on the web, we decided to play the lighter game to add a little tension. She gets hit with 10 cream pies during the shoot. Enjoy the show!

Files included:
228 HQ Photos HD-Movie
Movie (6:45 minutes, 1280 x 720 px)
HQ Photoset (228 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)

$12.95 $7.95

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