Manus pie fest (also in 4K!!!)

Movie & Photoset #133

$9.95 – $12.95

Manus pie fest (also in 4K!!!)

This time our friend from brasil returns armed with 11 artfully decorated pies, a bucket of chocolate pudding and a some more messy treats, to endulge in the art of self-wamming. And she really does not hold back turning herself into a human sunday in her newest production.

This scene is our first one that’s also available in 4K video format. Dive into every detail of Manu messing herself up. Since not everyone will be able to playback and handle big 4K files the download is available in two variants, with 4K video or Full HD video.

Watch the trailer:

Files included:
255 HQ Photos HD Movie
4K UHD Movie (28:01 minutes, 3840 x 2160 px)
FHD Movie (28:01 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
HQ Photoset (255 photos, each 2400 x 1800 px)

$9.95 – $12.95

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