Margot tastes some pie

Photoset & Movie #139

$12.95 – $14.95

Margot tastes some pie

In her debut for WAM Photography Margot dives into the world of pies. She was not really aware of what she was getting into and thus her reactions are priceless. She wears a purple turtleneck with a dark blazer while being pelted with pies. But she’s a great sport and delivers a perfect self-pie-sandwich. Enjoy!

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Files included:
152 HQ Photos HD-Movie  4K UHD
4K Movie (06:22 minutes, 3840 x 2160 px)
Full HD Movie (06:22 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
HQ Photoset (152 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)

$12.95 – $14.95

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Ty Hungness at 3:31 pm

Does she get wet at all?

WAM Photography at 3:35 pm

Yes she get’s a wash down at the end of the scene

George at 9:57 pm

What is the difference between the FHD and 4k versions apart of the obviously different resolutions. Is the 4k version wider, filmed from different angle or distance?

WAM Photography at 10:27 pm

The difference is just resolution. Angle or distance are the same.

George at 11:09 pm

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Average rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars
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  • A lot in a little

    Amazing scene, one of the very best WAM scenes I’ve seen.
    Despite its shorter length the scene is very dense.
    All the pies and slime do great coverage, and Margot takes
    her humiliation with such an amazing grace and candid elegance
    that significantly uplifts the whole performance.

    1 of 2 people found this review helpful.

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    Ty Hungness at 3:31 pm

    Does she get wet at all?

    WAM Photography at 3:35 pm

    Yes she get’s a wash down at the end of the scene

    George at 9:57 pm

    What is the difference between the FHD and 4k versions apart of the obviously different resolutions. Is the 4k version wider, filmed from different angle or distance?

    WAM Photography at 10:27 pm

    The difference is just resolution. Angle or distance are the same.

    George at 11:09 pm

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