The office ladies pink slime bath

Photoset & Movie #103


The office ladies pink slime bath

Jenni is back for a joyful bath in a tub full of wonderful warm and slimy goo. She’s the kind of office lady that oftentimes makes your head turn around around to get a second look when you pass her on the street and then think to yourself … what if?! …

She wears an original Orsay business outfit when she slowly dives into the slimy bathtub. Again I simply loved her facial expressions throughout the shoot.

The scene features two movies from slightly differet angles (due to the lack of space).

Files included:
228 HQ Photos HD-Movie
Camera 1 – Full HD (22:59 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
Camera 2 – HD (18:30 minutes, 1280 x 720 px)
HQ Photoset (220 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)


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