Linda – Pies & wash-off

This scene has been remastered in 2022. The camera used for filming was a Samsung point and shoot. With much improved editing skills paired with  todays AI technology and computing power it is possible to colour correct and render out the video in much improved Full HD quality and to bring back a lot of detail.  Also the Photoset has been remastered. All pictures are now 3600 x 2400 pixels and improved in quality and detail. 

Original vs. remastered

Linda makes her messy debut in her third shoot for WAM photography. Dressed in a casual denim outfit with boots she enters the ring to receive a barrage of cream pies. She applies the first pie herself and gets nailed with some more after this. It would not be a WAM phtotography shoot if you would not also see her completely soaked. There’s lengthy coverage of the wash-off as well, so also wetlook fans will be happy with this set!!

Files included:
HQ Photoset Making-Of Movie
Remastered Full HD Movie (08:16 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
Remastered SHQ Photoset (223 photos, each 3600 x 2400 px)

$12.95 $10.95

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Custrd84 at 8:26 am

This set belongs to the absolute best I’ve seen in the last 10 years.

Frihap at 11:24 pm

Are the boots getting filled with some cream?

chrisb at 4:03 pm


no she doesn’t fill the boots with cream, allthough some of it might have ended up there. But I’ll keep the idea in mind next time!


Ron at 10:47 am

I understand this is special as she is really _fully_ clothed with full body shots and the photography is superb. And you do not cheat like most producers sadly do (barefeet, clumsy shirts or jogging pants, low resolution files…), but pleeeease stay below $10 next time.
The video file is a very good addition to your sets, but quality wise it’s not nearly as good as your photography. It has no real HD (cell phone?), no close ups, no color correction. That’s what would have justified a price above $5 or even better: a seperate download for the video file.

But hey…. what do I tell you…. I paid for it anyway. 😀

Best wishes!
You just became my favorite producer.

chrisb at 4:18 pm

Hi Ron,

first of all, thanks for your feedback and for purchasing the set! You – like all my customers – help me to keep on producing.
I know the video file is not a Full-HD glamour production – btw. it’s not a cellphone video, though I can imagine they can already produce better videos then the Samsung-WB 2000 that I used, but they just won’t stay on a tripod ;-). But as I often state and you can tell by the title of my page, video is not my focus. My focus is and will remain photography. The higher price is just due to the fact that I have more work that goes into post-production when I do video to. A price is allways arguable and one will pay it, one won’t. But let me say this. I pay my bills in Euros so keeping my prices in US $ is a benefit give my International customer base.

But finally, I am more than happy to be your favorite producer. Hope you find some more in my archive you may like 🙂
best regards

Ruud at 3:19 am

Looks like the same outfit as in Photoset #46…. which is great. Does the jacket come off as well?

WAM Photography at 11:11 am

Nicely spotted 🙂 It’s indeed the same outfit. This was shot a week before Photoset #46. I just thought the outfit would look great as well in a wetlook/slime shoot 🙂 And yes, the jacket comes off as well!

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Custrd84 at 8:26 am

This set belongs to the absolute best I’ve seen in the last 10 years.

Frihap at 11:24 pm

Are the boots getting filled with some cream?

chrisb at 4:03 pm


no she doesn’t fill the boots with cream, allthough some of it might have ended up there. But I’ll keep the idea in mind next time!


Ron at 10:47 am

I understand this is special as she is really _fully_ clothed with full body shots and the photography is superb. And you do not cheat like most producers sadly do (barefeet, clumsy shirts or jogging pants, low resolution files…), but pleeeease stay below $10 next time.
The video file is a very good addition to your sets, but quality wise it’s not nearly as good as your photography. It has no real HD (cell phone?), no close ups, no color correction. That’s what would have justified a price above $5 or even better: a seperate download for the video file.

But hey…. what do I tell you…. I paid for it anyway. 😀

Best wishes!
You just became my favorite producer.

chrisb at 4:18 pm

Hi Ron,

first of all, thanks for your feedback and for purchasing the set! You – like all my customers – help me to keep on producing.
I know the video file is not a Full-HD glamour production – btw. it’s not a cellphone video, though I can imagine they can already produce better videos then the Samsung-WB 2000 that I used, but they just won’t stay on a tripod ;-). But as I often state and you can tell by the title of my page, video is not my focus. My focus is and will remain photography. The higher price is just due to the fact that I have more work that goes into post-production when I do video to. A price is allways arguable and one will pay it, one won’t. But let me say this. I pay my bills in Euros so keeping my prices in US $ is a benefit give my International customer base.

But finally, I am more than happy to be your favorite producer. Hope you find some more in my archive you may like 🙂
best regards

Ruud at 3:19 am

Looks like the same outfit as in Photoset #46…. which is great. Does the jacket come off as well?

WAM Photography at 11:11 am

Nicely spotted 🙂 It’s indeed the same outfit. This was shot a week before Photoset #46. I just thought the outfit would look great as well in a wetlook/slime shoot 🙂 And yes, the jacket comes off as well!

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