The photoshoot at the pool

Movie #160

$12.95 $10.95

The photoshoot at the pool

Karina introduces her friend Rubi for a photoshoot at the local pool. Rubi is new to modeling so Karina gives her a short introduction. While doing so both joke about what a pity it would be if one of them falls into the pool. Rubi is the first to start posing. And Karina cannot hold herself back and pushes Rubi into the pool. Rubi is totally upset, that Karina ruined her first modeling gig, but evidently has to quit her assignment. Karina is happy to take over for her, but Rubi is on for revenge. Without Karina noticing she sneaks up behind her and dumps a big bucket of water over Karinas head. Of course both end up fighting it out in the pool.


Files included:
Full HD Movie (10:01 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)

$12.95 $10.95

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