Streetparade 2006

STP Zurich 2006


Streetparade 2006 Zurich

Here’s another photoset from this wonderful event in Switzerland. I had almost forgotten about this wetlook treasure which was sitting on my harddrive all those years. The streetparade was one of the biggest technoparades in the world. Hard to imagine an event like this in times like these … What started like a small event in 1992 with roughly 1.000 participants developed into a incredibly huge event with up to one million participants on average. One of the standard features in the early years were cool-down areas called shower zones. The year 2006 was a bit of a disapointment, cause while it was extremely hot the weeks leading up to streetparade, the weather took a turn for the worse a day before the event. And since Zurich is pretty close to the alps this meant temperatures below 20°C on the day of streetparade. So naturally the desire to cool off in the shower was limited that year, but finally the sun came out and a lot of girls decided to go for it anyways. Enjoy! 😉

Files included:
wetlook dirndl
280 High-Res Photos


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