The breakup

The movie has been remastered in much better quality (exposure, color correction, detail level) in June 2022.

Ellis has a terrible day since she learned her friend cheated on her. She sits by the pool mourning when she calls her best friend to comfort her. Izabela drops by immediately to cheer Ellis up. The girls talk and have some drinks when finally Ellis decides to stop grieving and throws her engegment ring into the pool and decides to let Izabela have a dip too. No need to mention that both girls end up in the pool completely soaked!

Watch the trailer:

Files included:
HD Movie
Full HD Movie (14:00 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)

Bonus Outtakes – Dry Shots & Blooper (3:22 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)


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