The Dinner … that turned into a foodfight

Dani and Kassandra, two long time best friends are having an elegant dinner after their summer holidays to exchange the latest gossip and news. Kassandra is excited to tells Dani she met the man of her dreams and she’s going to get married. Dani is delighted and tells Kassandra how happy she is for her. Dani asks Kassanrda who will be her bridesmaid, knowing Kassandra would chose her best friend without a doubt. But Kassandra hesitates and signals that Dani will most likely not be her bridesmaid. Dani is confused and asks why not? After all she’s her best friend and she couldn’t be happier for her?! That’s when Kassandra finally opens up and tells Dani she fell in love with Danis ex-boyfriend and he would never accept Dani as Kassandras bridesmaid. Things go downhill from there. What was meant to be a joyful dinner exchange between two besties turns into a tit for tat using what’s available to them on their dinner table. 

Enjoy the Telenovela-style tit for tat!

Important: The dialogues of the video are in spanish. The audio of the original recording was very bad (very quiet voices and loads of background noise), it was enhanced to the extent possible in post-production, but expect some backgound noise still present in the video.

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