This scene has been remastered in 2023. With much improved editing skills paired with todays technology and computing power it is possible to render out the video in much improved Full HD quality and to bring back a lot of detail. Also the Photoset has been remastered. All pictures are now 3600 x 2400 pixels and improved in quality and detail.
Join Bluesky for the gunging session of her lifetime, she really celebrated the occasion. Bluesky is a mature lady, caring a lot about her appearance. Usually she does fashion and lingerie shoots but she also loves posing in the water. After our last wetlook shoot she happened to get a glimpse on some shots from of my recent messy photoshootings and wanted to join the fun right away.
So she joined us for a gunging session, in which she totally messed up her outfit in muticoloured gunge and she just didn’t want to stop.
Files included:
Movie (11:09 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
UHQ Photoset (255 photos, each 3600 x 2400 px)
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