The soaked Dirndl

Movie & Photoset #128


The soaked Dirndl

In this wonderful scene the gorgeous redhead Manu sports a traditional Austrian garment called the Dirndl. Many of you may have seen images or movies from events called Dirndlflugtag in Austria and Bavaria. So it’s kinda natural to test the wetlook usability of a Dirndl dress in this most recent shoot. And for my taste it turned out to be really usable 🙂
Did you know that the word “Dirndl” in Austrian dialect (Austrians speak variing regional forms of german) not only describes the dress, but also young girls in general.

Watch the trailer:

Files included:
2901 HQ Photos HD Movie
FHD Movie (15:33 minutes, 1920 x 1080 px)
HQ Photoset (290 photos, each 2400 x 1600 px)


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